Washington County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)
What is the LEPC?
The Washington County LEPC is an organization mandated under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, or EPCRA. WCLEPC works collectively with public safety, private industry and the community to provide guidance for emergency planning in the event of an accidental hazardous material incident.
The LEPC is made up of elected officials, members of law enforcement, emergency management, fire departments, transportation, hospitals, the health department, representatives of the community, industry and the print and broadcast media.
Purpose & Role
Current LEPC Executive Committee
Chair: Evan Clyburn, WC/JC EMA
Vice-Chairs: Alex Summers and Levi Sager, AO Smith
Purpose of the LEPC:
To identify business facilities in Washington County that manufacture, process, or store hazardous chemicals and to assist these facilities in preparing emergency response plans;
To inform and educate the public about chemical facilities in the community and actions that can be taken in the event of an accidental chemical spill or release into the environment; and
To work to assist governmental and emergency response agencies in being well prepared to respond to and handle any and all emergencies, associated with chemical spills or releases, that may occur in Washington County.
Role of the LEPC
The LEPC serves as a liaison in the community for information and discussions about hazardous substances, emergency planning, and health and environmental risks. The community can expect the LEPC to reply to questions about chemical hazards and risk management.
We have other responsibilities besides working with our local emergency management agencies in developing emergency response plans. The LEPC receives chemical release and hazardous chemical inventory information submitted by local facilities, and makes this information available to the public at the Washington County/Johnson City Emergency Management Agency. Just call and ask or, come down and see us!
The LEPC has the authority to request additional information from facilities for their own planning purposes or on behalf of others. The LEPC can also visit facilities in the community to find out what they are doing to reduce hazards, prepare for accidents, and reduce hazardous inventories and releases.
As an "unfunded mandate" the LEPC has no annual budget and relies on support from its members and grants.
Physical mail for LEPC can be addressed to:
Washington County LEPC
C/O WC/JC County Emergency Management
4724 Lake Park Drive
Johnson City, TN 37615